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Westport to Picton (9/9)

This is route 9 of a tour of South Island. From wildlife to wineries, glacial valleys to star-filled skies, the South Island offers adventure in all its forms and this tour will visit all. This route travels through several inland scenic reserves including the beautiful Upper and Lower Buller Gorge reserves. It passes hop fields, orchards of kiwi fruit and vineyards before reaching the 'Top of the South'. Between Havelock and Picton, a 35 km winding road fringed with native forest offers one of the most scenic coastal drives that you're likely to encounter. Make sure you leave enough time to make plenty of stops along the way. I know that you will have enjoyed this tour and I will be grateful to hear your comments. Enjoy.

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Nick Carthew / AH
Driving 387.4km (13📍) 5:48 🇳🇿 GPX, KML

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