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Loyalist Parkway from Trenton to Amherstview

This ride along Highway 33, the "Loyalist Parkway", stretches from Trenton to Amherstview.

Due to its historic role in early colonisation and its prime scenic location, the original route from Kingston westward through Bath and the Quinte Region is commemorated as the Loyalist Parkway.

The United Empire Loyalists were of different racial and religious backgrounds but were united by their loyalty to the Crown. They fled the United States following the American War of Independence in the late 1700โ€™s, and were granted parcels of land to settle by King George III of Britain. Many of their descendants still live and work in the region.

The Eastern entrance to the Parkway is marked by impressive gates that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II officially dedicated in 1984. The Western entrance, at the roundabout intersection with County Road 40 in Quinte West, is highlighted by a sign featuring the Parkway's logo, surrounded by foliage provided and maintained by the Loyalist Parkway Association.

Between the east and west gates there are more than three dozen commemorative plaques describing historical attractions and events including the family home of Canada's first Prime Minister, Sir John A. MacDonald.

Among the many attractions available to the traveler today are parks and parkettes in the communities of Carrying Place, Ameliasburgh, Hillier, Wellington, Picton, Glenora, Adolphustown, Lennox Power Station and Bath, including roadside parks along the Lakeshore and at the Eastern Gates at the Fairfield-White House.

This route makes a small diversion from the Parkway to visit the Lake on the Mountain Provincial Park.

After visiting the Lake, we take the ferry ride between Glenora to Adolphustown with its splendid views, free of charge.

The roads are not challenging, but the scenery is beautiful and the historical context is of great interest. The short ferry ride across Adolphus Reach is a fun diversion. It's a nice route for a lazy ride along a scenic historic road.

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William Edward Henry / AH
Driving 0km (8๐Ÿ“) 0:00 ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ GPX, KML